New Sponsor Guide

Leading a JCL Chapter:

Establishing a Club: Before you recruit students and hold a meeting, check with  your school administration to find out the regulations for organizing  an extracurricular activity.  You may need to set up an account with  your school’s business office to handle finances.

Your First Meeting: Your first meeting should be held early in the school  year, in August if possible.  This meeting should be devoted to  discussing goals for the club, membership, dues, upcoming election of  officers, and activities planned for the year.  Scrapbooks from other  JCL chapters may be borrowed to give your students an idea of what JCL  is about; please contact a State Chair if you would like to borrow one  of these.

Membership: Membership requirements are made at the discretion of the  local sponsor.  The NJCL constitution states that all members “shall be  taking or have taken a classical language or a course in the classical  humanities.”  Many sponsors require that JCL members be enrolled in  Latin, have taken four (4) years of Latin, or have taken all the Latin  courses that their school offers.  You will need to send a typed and  alphabetized list of your club membership, along with your dues, to the  State Chairs.  Membership and dues are due by October 31st.

Dues: LJCL State Dues are $8 per student, if paid by the deadline. They are $10 per student if paid after this date.  NJCL dues are  $2 per person and may be paid through LJCL or directly to NJCL. You may pay state and national dues at the same time, using the  membership form which is sent to you in August.  You may also pay your  ACL member dues using this form, if you have not already done so.   Remember that as a JCL sponsor, you must be an ACL member!  Keep these  fees in mind when collecting dues from your members.  You may also want  to specify an amount that each member pays that will go to your club  treasury.  You may use this to purchase club T-shirts, spirit items for  LJCL Convention, snacks for meetings, organizational materials, et  cetera.

Election of Club Officers: At your first meeting, describe the various offices to your students.   Elections can then be held at the second meeting.  Your officers should  be elected as soon as possible, so that you can send officer information  to LJCL, and so that officers can attend the appropriate workshops at  Fall Forum.  You also have the option of electing officers in the spring  of the previous year, but this eliminates opportunities for new and/or young students. Most JCL chapters have the following student officers:

  • President: presides over meetings, attends all meetings and activities, plans and organizes activities for the chapter
  • First Vice-President: oversees publicity for chapter, publicizes chapter  events in school and local media, enters publicity in state publicity  contest
  • Second Vice-President: coordinates spirit activities for LJCL  Convention
  • Historian: constructs chapter scrapbook, designs chapter T-shirt
  • Parliamentarian: organizes chapter elections, maintains chapter handbook and constitution
  • Editor: distributes pertinent information to club members, coordinates local certamen team
  • Technology Coordinator: manages the clubs online presence, specifically the club website but, if acceptable, the clubs social media; enters website in state and national website contest

You may also wish to create additional offices due to your clubs needs.   Most local clubs do not have a Treasurer, as the sponsor typically handles all club funds.  To see how the state board operates, please look under “State Board”  and scroll to the specific position or look at the LJCL Constitution under Article VII.

Workshops for each office are held at the annual LJCL Fall Forum.  These workshops are conducted by the LJCL State  Officers, and are a great opportunity for your local officers to meet  others who have similar responsibilities and to learn more about their  office.  When you have elected your local officers, please send a typed  list of the officers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail  addresses to the State Chairs. This may be included with your  membership form and dues.

Club T-shirts: Nearly all local JCL chapters create at least one club T-shirt each  year.  You may choose to have the shirt designed by the club Historian,  you may design the shirt yourself, or you may hold a “design  competition” among members of your club.  You may want to take into  account expenses when deciding on whether to have a long or  short-sleeved shirt or what colors will be part of the design.  T-shirts  usually become more expensive with each color added to the  design.  There is a T-shirt contest at the LJCL Convention.  To be  eligible for this competition, the T-shirt must illustrate the  convention theme for the current year.  The theme can be found on the  NJCL website and will be publicized by the State Chairs and the LJCL Editor as soon as it is announced in the fall.

Calendar of Events: Once you and your club officers have planned out the year, give all  members a list of important dates for the year.  This list should  include all local club events and deadlines, as well as State and  National events and deadlines.  Keep this list posted in your classroom  as well.